Friday, September 9, 2011

College Station, Texas

Okay so it isn't a 'real' town but to us it is. We made a quick trip to College Station for a Colin first! Kathy (my friend and former college roommate) sent an email that she had two extra tickets for the opening game at Kyle Field ! It was a late game so knew we needed a hotel . . . and I knew that was going to be a challenge . . . the town was booked solid which did not surprise me. I took to the message boards and found an offer for a room! I jumped on it and quickly confirmed the room in my name; I love how Aggies help each other out!!! Colin has been to the campus many times but this was going to be his first trip for a football game and all the excitement that goes on before and after the game. Frankly, I was beyond excited too because it has been way too long since I went to a home game! I was amazed at how things had changed since I was a student 15 or so years ago. Colin enjoyed the fan zone area where they had games out for kids to play. He loved watching the cadets (or student soldiers as he called them) during march-in too.
Maybe someday he will join the Corps of Cadets just like Sean? I think he had fun and most of the evening he had a big smile on his face!
Or maybe he was overwhelmed by the massive crowd of 86,951 (yes exact number) which was the largest opening game crowd and 6th largest crowd ever (at least I think that is what I remember hearing)! He did good paying attention to the game and only got up twice. I don't think he really knew what to do but since we were close to the field I think it kept his attention . . .
And of course I waited until the game was almost over to take our photo together . . .

It was hot earlier in the day so I look not so lovely, LOL. Oh well at least the Aggies won!

1 comment:

  1. LOL Love the "student soldier" comment! I think you have a future Aggie in the making :)
