We were there about an hour when tragedy struck . . . our children ventured off the regular sled hill and went a little higher up because it was more bumpy . . . these kids love adventure. Another child was with them and his tube went off course and he slammed into a tree backwards . . . it was so scary watching it happen and feeling helpless. It was in slow motion and the kid never saw it coming; panic broke out and several called 911 . . . his parents quickly ran over and started yelling at him. Thankfully a medical man was enjoying the day and rushed to get him still until the emergency personnel came . . . it was scary and hopefully a teaching moment for all the kids there. Of course my child was ready to keep going but all activity on the hill came to a halt. We let the kids sled a few more times on the hill and then off we went. As we left we asked one of the ambulance guys about his status and they said he would be fine . . . probably because he had on a helmet! My child will be wearing a helmet next time! It was now time for what I was really looking forward to doing . . .
Did you figure out what we are doing? Dog Sledding . . . WOW is all I can say! I had the most fun ever! I can't wait to do this again. Seriously it was that fun . . . 4 out of the 5 in our group had fun and the 1 out of 5 was seriously terrified.
The 1 out of 5 took this photo of me when I was driving the team . . . that bit of blue is Colin's coat, and I'm not really in the photo . . . LOL . . .
I think I found my winter activity! Those pups could really run and we were literally sailing around the trees . . . in the air too . . . OMG it was awesome. Don't worry the dogs took many breaks and were so funny playing and eating in the snow. Looking back maybe it was an activity that was a tad dangerous and man was my adrenaline running at a high! Colin really loved petting and talking to the dogs.
The traffic back to Denver was manageable but you could tell everyone was leaving the ski resorts and heading back to the city. The rest of the evening was spent hanging at out at the Embassy Suites . . . indoor pool and managers reception; need I say more? LOL . . . it is back to reality tomorrow.

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