Saturday, October 8, 2016

Arizona hike day 3

So at around 4:00am I was dying to go to restroom so finally got up to go.  Remember the closest toilet (which by the way is self composting) is about a quarter of a mile one way.  Do you know how dark it is at that hour?  DARK!  Even with a headlamp!  Well on the walk back to the camp, I missed our campsite and ended way off.  I knew it, but it was so dark that I had absolutely no idea where I was.  I had walked the trail many times the last two days but at dark it looks so different.  I had to walk until found a landmark and start over.  I admit that a bit of panic set in but once I arrived at the water source, I turned around and headed back towards our camp.  I finally started looking for tents and thankfully found my tent.  I had already decided I would just stop and wait until daylight if I couldn't find it.  I knew there was only one path through the campground so I would be fine once I had more light.  When I was finally back, I was so wide awake that going back to sleep wasn't an option so decided to just take down my tent and pack my stuff up to leave.  I was all packed up by 5:30am, dropped the duffel bag at the gate, and hit the trail at 7:05am.  One last look at Havasu Falls . . .
. . . and Navajo Falls . . .
It was back to the hard part . . . getting out of this place!
. . . miles and miles of endless walking and thinking about nothing . . . probably deep down I was planning my next trip!  I often compare these hikes to childbirth . . . the pain is so real and difficult but in a few days you forget about it and are ready to do it again.  True story!  I walked with very few breaks.  It was nice and cool outside so wanted to make the most of my time.  Again, I walked most of the time alone with short breaks for water and protein snacks.  I bet I did not stop more than 30 minutes total the entire 10 miles.   I took very few photos and was super focused.  It was around mile 7 that the sun starting beaming down!  Are we there yet?
I was thankful we started so early but also dreading the last 2 miles as it was the uphill switchbacks.  I wish I would have taken a photo because they were a killer!  I swear I walked 20 feet and rested a minute . . . I was so tired!  At around mile 9.5, I saw my red duffel bag . . .
. . . and was D-O-N-E!!!!
My goal was to be out by 1:15pm, but we beat that time and at 12:15pm exited the trail . . . so a little over 5 hours to hike out.  We were moving out and not wasting any time!  That was good because a storm was blowing in with lightning and rain so we really did time the hike out just right!  I was so hungry and couldn't wait for a real meal that did not require boiling water!
Oh that iced tea was amazing too.  The drive back to Las Vegas was nice but all I could think about was a shower and running water!  I have never felt so clean . . . I shower daily but my skin was squeaky clean today!  We relaxed a bit before heading out for dinner at a local Thai restaurant.  Oh so yummy!  We still had a lot of time before we needed to check in for the red eye flight home so we cruised down the strip and headed for the airport . . . time to head home!

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous adventure. I've enjoyed reading about it ~ bummer about getting lost on the way back from the bathroom.
