Monday, June 11, 2018

Day 9: Inside Passage

We are sailing the Inside Passage today which is scenic but a lot of the same views.  Most of the time you can see land and we spent a lot time on the balcony on the lookout for critters in the water.  But it is a sea day which really means two things . . . being lazy and food.  I always like to go eat breakfast one morning so I can get my Eggs Benedict fix . . . the fruit makes it healthy!
A walk through the casino with a lonely bartender . . . 
Oh and a coffee break too for a caramel macchiato because those fancy coffee drinks are included in the free drink package!
Then it was lunch time . . .
You know what my biggest weakness is on a cruise?
Fresh bread with butter . . . I can not control myself!  It was time to return to the cabin to have an afternoon nap . . .
. . . and the snack today was better than those three apples!
Colin has become fond of the two channels on the TV; HGTV and Food Network . . . mainly because it is really the only two channel.  I swear they are already driving me crazy with all the same commercials over and over again.  They aren't real commercials and sort of remind me of the ones from our days of AFN in Germany.  So after napping and hanging on the balcony it is time to eat again!
I should head to the track to walk but instead headed back to the room for one last visit to the balcony before calling it a night . . .
This is why you get a balcony on a cruise!

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