Today we made a quick stop in Rouen or as I like to call it Joan of Arc town. Before we left the hotel I told Colin to go to the restroom but he insisted he did not have to go . . . you so know where I am going with this one don't you! About 15 minutes in the drive he had to go . . . in Europe it is no big deal to pull over and do business so after the toll booth we did just that . . . and like any great mother what do I do? Of course, grab the camera, LOL. Do you see him?
It was Sunday so I expected Rouen to be a ghost town but was surprised it was not locked down tight. I had two things I wanted to check out . . . which means find them, read any plaque, and take a photo. First was the exact place Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. I know that sounds morbid but it is historic. Here is the spot . . .
. . . the church next to it was very modern but the more I looked at it the more I liked the architecture . . .

Second, was the Cathedral that Monet painted about 30 times . . . different times of year and in different lighting. It was so massive that it was impossible to get a good photo. You are walking down a typical street of shops and bam there is this huge building . . . too bad there was a lot of scaffolding around but you get the point.
A neat clock between stop one and stop two . . .

There are three things Colin keeps asking for: Dr. Pepper and sweet tea (such a Texan), chocolate chip cookies, and pretzels . . . well we found the cookie and stopped to eat it near the clock tower . . .

. . . more to come on the Dr. Pepper. As we entered the parking garage to leave we saw this . . .
. . . probably one of the things I love the most about Europe . . . all the markets with fresh goods . . . not just fruits and vegetables but meat, fish, cheeses, flowers; you name it they probably have it!
The detour was over so back on the road we go . . .
There are three things Colin keeps asking for: Dr. Pepper and sweet tea (such a Texan), chocolate chip cookies, and pretzels . . . well we found the cookie and stopped to eat it near the clock tower . . .
. . . more to come on the Dr. Pepper. As we entered the parking garage to leave we saw this . . .
The detour was over so back on the road we go . . .
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