Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 8: Rifle to Boulder

It was a driving day with a stop at Mount Evans in Arapaho National Forest . . . I had read the drive to the top was "a white knuckle experience" and they sure weren't kidding!  The roads were extremely narrow with no guard rails so a little too close and over the edge you would go.  The views were beautiful . . .
. . . and when you get to the top you are literally above the clouds.  Not the clearest day and wildfires were not too far away but still beautiful.  You could see the crazy road we drove to the top in the photo below.

We all enjoyed watching the critters walking around going about their daily life!

It was time to head down and the drive was much easier.  Last night I studied the map for our planned route and of course as we got closer realized it was closed due to construction!  It was very difficult to find an alternate route without going into Denver . . . it was a tense moment but we finally arrived in Boulder.  The hotel was extremely hard to find . . . I even called and their directions got me lost again.  I was hating the hotel before we even arrived.  Finally rolled in and I refused to leave!  It wasn't a bad hotel but was my least favorite hotel that I have stayed the last year or two!  Colin was happy to just hang out and relax at the pool especially after a long day of intense driving.

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