Oddly enough exactly 14 years ago we all boarded Royal Caribbean's Mariner of the Seas in Galveston for our first cruise. Today we are doing the same thing! This Christmas I gifted my parents a cruise and oh we are coming along too! The four of us set off for a four day cruise from Galveston to Cozumel. It wasn't the most exciting itinerary but it was a good escape for all of us. Good-bye Texas!
Not so fast . . . so the cruise had only been gone from port about two hours when the call of alpha alpha alpha came over the intercom . . . that means a medical emergency. A short time later the captain informed the guest that there was a medical emergency and currently coordinating with the Coast Guard for a medical evacuation. A short time passes, we hear alpha alpha alpha again. The captain comes back over the intercom and informs the guest since there are two medical emergencies he has made the decision to return back to Galveston port. Texas has some weird alcohol law that you can only serve certain drinks until you are at least 12 miles into international waters and the casino would remain closed too. So back to Galveston we went . . . it was a quick unloading of two passengers and it was good-bye Galveston, take 2! The newly 21 year old mapped out our plan for bar hopping while I just shrugged my shoulders.
Our Bar Hop Favorites
The Bamboo Room: Royal Zombie
Barnacle & Barrel Pub: Stout Espresso Martini
Boleros: Coconut Mojito
Let me be honest . . . those were my favorite drinks and it was a bit weird to all sit together and have a drink before dinner. We also spent some time in the casino . . .
. . . I can not stand to throw away money, but it was fun to play the penny machines for a few hours and walk aways with some money. We really enjoyed the laid back pace of the cruise especially the sea days of just hanging out doing a lot of nothing!
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