A few months ago I heard about a Lego KidsFest coming to Austin. I checked it out and thought it would be fun so bought tickets. We headed down to Austin to visit family and do a few touristy things too. We were in Austin last weekend and tried to see the bats . . . they had not made their presence known by almost 9pm so we left. I thought a redo was in order and damn those bats did not come out by 8:30pm so I made the decision to make an exit and head for the hotel; not to mention the parking was a nightmare and there were tons of people everywhere. Of course I had a very upset, crying boy in the back seat . . . he was so tired and upset we were not going to stay. It was very dark and late and no way we would see the bats or sticking around with the mobs of other people too. Come to find out he was upset because he thought I had seen the bats so to make it better I bribed him with the chance to swim at the hotel! We get to the hotel and there was a problem with getting our room . . . did I mention all Hilton properties were sold out in the Austin area and that the local college was playing football too? Yep, not looking good but some how they got us a room. We had a quick late night swim and prepared for the big day tomorrow. All smiles as we arrive . . .

I must say this event was very well organized. Your ticket allowed you entrance at 9am and you had to exit at 1:30pm so they could prepare for the afternoon session. Thanks to those who put a time limit on the event or I would still be sitting there! It was crowded. Very crowded but manageable at all times too. I had read to go get a ticket for the Lego Master Builder Academy session because it was limited to 100 kids per session . . . great idea! Colin was somewhat bored by the session as it was basically a Q&A with a Lego Master Builder. The LMB taught a very quick concept about Lego building and then set them free to build whatever they wanted . . .
. . . it was okay but off we went back to his favorite area;
The Big Lego Brick Pile . . .
How cool is it to sit in the middle of all those Legos? Well this is what it looks like really . . .
Look at all those people! Colin loved every single second and had a the best time being creative and doing what he wanted. I was happy to sit on the sideline and let him have fun! All smiles as we left too!
Whoa, Nellie!!! That's a LOT of Legos!!! I like the picture of Colin sitting atop that huge pile of them. Wonder how many Legos there are in that pile?!? What a fun place to visit. ; )