Sunday, June 23, 2019

Day 1: Washington DC

***This trip post has taken me forever to write . . . it was just an amazing, emotional experience that I still struggle to find the words to express my thoughts and gratitude.***

We arrived last night just as the sun was calling it a day.  I tell you I got the warm fuzzy feeling as our driver passed the memorials . . . there is something magical about DC.
It is going to be a crazy few days but we are so excited to have a little bit of down time before the real reason for a last minute trip to DC . . . it is amazing!  It is a day of hanging out with old friends from Germany.  We head over to Old Town Alexandria for brunch and catching up.
It is always fun to see old friends even if you forget how many years have passed.  Colin and Logan headed out on a quick ride of scooters . . .
. . . in my mind I still think of Logan as a young girl!
She was one of Colin's first visitors after he was born!  Good byes are always hard but it was time to head back to DC.
We had an evening bicycle tour of the monuments reserved, even though we have been to DC many times, I was super excited.  We have visited most of the monuments but not all on the same day.
I wasn't sure what to expect but the tour is basically 4 hours long and your small group rides bicycles from monument to monument as the sun is setting.
My favorite had to be the WWII Memorial . . . just so beautiful at dusk!  Didn't get a photo at all of them but the Bike and Roll Monuments Night Tour is highly recommended!  I would even consider renting a bike and setting out on my own with a good map!  As we peddled back to our hotel, I wondered if one day we would be visiting a memorial that was inscribed with Sean's name?

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