Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spring Break 2010

Okay so it is not a huge surprise that I selected to go back to Germany for the break . . . hey I love Europe and there is still SO much more that I haven't seen. Maybe I need to become a 'heat bird' and escape to Europe in the summers?

Besides spending time in our 'home' area of Germany we are also going to venture to Berlin for several days . . . never been and ironically one of my old 5th grade students will also be in Berlin on his spring break so we will have a little get together with him and his parents. I am very excited to see him and catch up as we haven't seen each other since I left Germany in 2004; he is a great kid and to me will forever be 10 but in reality is in his second year of college, LOL.

So when I booked our tickets just 12 days before our trip the flight was pretty empty so I strategically placed Colin on one end of the row and me on the other with 3 empty seats between us . . . pure bliss is what I was planning so we could both sleep and arrive rested and ready to go . . . I should have known right! I managed to sleep off and on between him needing help with the TV/Game controls on the in-flight TV . . . while he did not sleep until the 15 minutes prior to landing . . . 9 hours and 15 minutes of being awake and he decided to sleep the last 15 minutes! It was good in a way because he always has problems with his ears on landing but seriously kid what the heck? After being totally crabby trying to get off the plane, the brisk cold air hit his face and just like that he was ready to get on the bullet train south . . . again he stayed awake those 3 hours too . . . and managed to bounce off the walls and snow until about 6pm when I put him to bed . . . he was awake just shy of 24 hours while I was dragging big time so I too crawled into bed with him and we were out.

For some crazy reason I decided we needed to get the party started the next morning with an early flight to Berlin . . . what was I thinking? So we woke at 5 and hit the road at 6; note to self NEVER again! Next time I will give us at least a day or two before we start the adventure but hey time was ticking so why not? And in less than 45 minutes we were in Berlin and ready to explore . . .

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