Colin saw the street trains and was becoming stubborn about riding one . . . so we got on and bought tickets. The driver took my money and then told me if I would have bought them at that machine (pointing to it) it would cost less than half . . . gee thanks! Now, I usually study public transportation for a minute or two before jumping on board . . . must get the direction of travel right . . . and today I failed miserably! I was trying to follow on the map but couldn't find where we were . . . when I realized it was too late so we just stayed on and rode it back around from the starting point and three stops more to where we needed to be! Silly me! The boy wanted the street train; he got it and then some! I don't think he will be asking to do that tomorrow.
We got of at the Radhuset (City Hall) and Aker Brygge areas. I think it is a nice area to just hang out . . . restaurants line the water and people are always out and about. I wanted to do a grand tour of Oslo but we had not eaten lunch and honestly I was tired so I knew the kiddo was beat too. I stopped by the office of the tour I wanted and asked a dozen questions. We continued to walk on for lunch at TGIFridays. I knew Colin liked their wings and I wanted . . . I needed a margarita! Now here is the kicker of the day! It was about noon time . . . the girl took my order and then came back and told me that in Norway you were not allowed to serve any type of adult beverages before 1:00pm; seriously? Man, I was one disappointed girl.
It was approaching the 1:00pm Oslo Fjord tour so we walked over and bought our tickets . . . two hours on a boat . . . what was I thinking after 16.5 hours. Apparently I wasn't and it was sort of boring but very beautiful. This is an old lighthouse . . .
These little houses have a funny story. They were built before swimming nude or in public was allowed so each house would have a small house that matched the main house. The water level used to be much higher and people would sit in their 'swim house' and chat between the walls to their neighbors; pretty funny and they are mighty cute too!
I still think Norway has the most beautiful coastline . . . my opinion of course . . . and if I were rich I would buy me a house here for summer! Seriously, I would but it is also very expensive to just live so probably not a good choice.
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