Of course no visit to Germany is complete without a visit here . . .

Yes, we had to stop by and see how
Freihunger 11 was doing and it looks about the same. I could not believe how big all the plants were especially the shrubs behind us . . . when I planted those in 2001 they were about 12 inches tall! I haven't been inside the house since I last closed that door back in 2005 . . . I haven't even walked past where we are sitting. It isn't our home anymore it is still a place that brings me so many mixed emotions. I thought about ringing the door bell and asking the new tenants if we could go inside but looking at that huge copper door was too much . . . I guess some things are just left undone. I am just not sure but looking at things from the outside works for me. Every time I do stop by, I am tempted to removed the house number . . .

. . . we bought this on a trip to Malta during Christmas 2001. It isn't anything that would be of use at our home here in Texas but reminds me of a special time. In the end, I left it there . . . sort of a silly but it is my mark left on the house. I think it would upset me if I ever returned and it was gone.
And of course we had lunch with the girls . . . they started as Murphy's walkers and then they walked Colin when he was born! It is hard to believe they are now 21! It was a great afternoon and enjoyed catching up with them!

Bawling again. I know that house is full of memories for you...the best and the worst. Thinking of you.