Tuesday, June 21, 2011

rafting in New Mexico

I know I said taking the cog rail to the top of Pike's Peak was the highlight of our trip but honestly I was more excited about white water rafting! I have wanted to go for a very long time but just never worked out. Of course now I want to go again! Here we are ready to go . . . I can't help but wondering how cold the water must be especially since it is 9:30am and not even 70 degrees out yet!

Click to see some of the shots the professional photographer took HERE and HERE. I can't say enough good things about Los Rios River Runners . . . they were outstanding! Keith, our guide, was great with us especially Colin. I'm sure when he looked at us he wasn't too excited but could not have asked for a better guide! He made the trip a blast! I would ask for him again, and if we go in the winter he does snowboarding lessons.

I had scheduled a tour at the Puye Cliff Dwellings but due to several out of control wildfires our tour was cancelled. We finished earlier than I expected so decided to head to Bandelier National Monument. My photos aren't that great . . . maybe because I was SO very tired! It was a neat place to walk around and wonder how the heck did they manage to live here.

A few more photos of some of the plants, critters, and working on Junior Ranger book . . .

We were all just exhausted so called it a day and headed to the hotel . . . of course we were met by smoke but at least our room wasn't too smelly just in the lobby. I am now making sure hotels are 100% smoke free before booking.

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