Friday, August 12, 2011

Fairfield, CA

Do you know what popular, tiny candy is made in Fairfield, CA? It was a favorite of our 40th President . . . if you guessed . . .
. . . you were correct! I had read in a magazine about them having a special floor tour. I knew that Colin would probably enjoy this . . . okay so I wanted to do it. It was limited to 6 people and only certain times during the week. I booked our tickets for Jelly Belly University and could not wait. The only bad part of the tour was there was no photography allowed but no big deal. We met our tour guide and got all 'dressed up' . . .

. . . don't we look good? Anyway, we learned the history of Jelly Belly and about how they are made. Who knew it was such a long process? He told us about the popular flavors and not so popular flavors too. Did you know they make flavors like boogers, skunk, rotten egg, baby wipes, barf, and canned dog food? I had no idea and when offered a taste, we declined. We saw Jelly Belly's at every stage of being made and the last part of the tour was the best. I was amazed that we would walk right up to the worker and ask what flavor they were making? He/She would tell us and give us a sample. I mean we were on the floor weaving between machines and workers . . . it was a front row seat to a VIP tour. Their was a lady making the new Snapple flavored Jelly Belly's and she was so sweet and peppy; she could be the next Snapple Lady she was so friendly. Our last stop we walked into a room that had millions of Jelly Belly's . . . the guide said, "now you can taste any and all flavors!" He would read a flavor, grab and handful, and pass them out!

After the tour we stopped at the snack bar so Colin could have a snack . . .
. . . yes, even the pizza (and burgers) were shaped like a Jelly Belly! It was a fun tour and we have now graduated from Jelly Belly University!

Colin's Favorite Jelly Belly Flavor: Candy Corn
Heidi's Favorite Jelly Belly Flavor: Coconut Dips; new product of coconut Jelly Belly dipped in dark chocolate; YUMMY and I ate the bag I bought in 2 days.

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