Thursday, August 11, 2011

San Francisco, CA

It was phase 2 of our trip . . . we headed to SF to visit a few places we missed in March . . . we had to drive across the Golden Gate Bridge . . .

. . . it was about 2pm and foggy so you couldn't really see the entire bridge.
First stop was Nike Missile Site SF-88 . . . it is the only restored missile site in the US. It has very limited hours when it is open and the ranger was very informative about the site and the Cold War.
Colin enjoyed looking at the missiles and moving the one above along the tracks.

left: looking inside the missile
center: the computers were so old looking
right: if you need first aid instructions; it's probably too late

Next stop was Muir Woods National Monument for little hiking and to compare the Redwood Trees to the Sequoias we saw last week . . .

It was beautiful but very crowded and loud which totally sort of blew the peaceful, serene feeling. The parking was crazy and we had to park and walk about a mile to even get to the entrance . . . of course when we left there were tons of parking places. The redwoods were massive but the sequoias were more overwhelming . . . glad we saw both.

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