Friday, January 6, 2012

Cozumel, Mexico

Today was our last port of call . . . it was an everybody day . . . we sort of all picked the excursion and I was so excited . . . probably even more so than yesterday! We docked, left the big boat, boarded a small ferry boat to transfer us to Playa del Carmen. Okay so we were told over and over about how rough the ride would be so take medicine to which I did not but did wear my sea bands . . . I thought they might be over exaggerating a bit but there was an employee that walked around handing out bags just in case . . . we took one. It was rough . . . really rough but we did not get sick! We get off the little boat and board a van headed to the beach at Akumal Bay! Oh yes this beautiful view . . .
. . . but we were not here to enjoy the beach but instead to explore and snorkel . . . Colin was SO excited too . . .
. . . and who are we exploring? These guys (and gals) . . .

AMAZING! How about a few more pictures?

It really was one of those tours that was pretty cool! And if you can swim or float you will enjoy it no matter if you are 6 or 67 . . . okay, okay just two more . . .

The 40 minutes went by so fast and we all had a great time . . . I was amazed that they did not even seem to notice us and went on about their business eating. They were so close but we were not allowed to touch them which is understandable since it is their home!
I would love to come back and enjoy the beach and just hang out! It was a beautiful area and very safe. Of course as we were waiting for the rest of the group to get ready we could not keep Colin from doing this . . .
. . . he loves playing in the sand! I could have sat for hours doing nothing but with those turtles so close we would have been back in the water! We ate a nice big catered lunch and I think I ate at least 2 cups of the freshest guacamole! It was back to the big boat and how do I top such a great day? I lost my purse! Yes, indeed I did with our passports, credit cards, money, camera, and just about everything else of value on this trip! Nice job Heidi. It took me about 30 minutes to realize it and then I went into pure panic mode. The best part was I knew I lost it on the boat because I had our passes to get back on the boat and they were used to re-board. I found my parents thinking I had given them my purse but no luck; so now we all go into panic mode except Colin who is eating ice cream. I went to guest services who was absolutely no help at that time but if I come back in 2 hours they would assist me; seriously what a joke! I back tracked and no luck and then headed to the security checkpoint only to see my purse and a hat. I did not pick it up when I went through the metal detector. It was an ordeal but I got all my possessions back . . . I could have cared less about the money and such but my camera with photos was like stabbing me in the heart! It all worked out but it was stressful to say the least. And what did Colin want to do when we got settled?

. . . rock climb of course!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you don't let the grass grow under your feet, do you? Been loving reading these posts and just had to comment here on how much I love the picture in this post of Colin playing in the sand...don't know what it is about the picture, but it just struck me as lovely!
