Saturday, June 30, 2012

Alaska day 1

Well I am on my solo (traveling without Colin) trip of the summer.  I arrived in Fairbanks, Alaska last night.  I was so excited about the much cooler weather!  I left Texas to triple digits (106 to be exact) and arrived to weather that required a jacket; so maybe it wasn't that cool to the locals but it was to me!  I found it hard to sleep since it was light outside until way after midnight, and of course I woke up early too.  It was a trip that I had very few planned activities which is odd for me but nice too.  I hardly ever just go with the flow on a trip but this time I was planning day to day.  We decided to head to the Chena Hot Springs Resort for a swim in the hot spring and a visit to the Ice Museum.

It was of course a total tourist trap area but the neatest part of the Ice Museum was this working xylophone . . .
For some reason my camera flash decided to not work; maybe it was too cold?  After a cold visit to the museum the hot springs sounded nice!  When we walked by it earlier not one single person was in there so of course when we go it is full!  The best part was no one under 18 allowed.  It was very hot but nice and relaxing too.  The drive there and back was very pretty . . . everything was so green!  I really enjoyed driving around and seeing the scenery.  I have always heard when in areas with wildlife the true way to see animals was to watch for cars parked in the road.  Well of course that was correct . . .

I was beyond thrilled to watch this big guy go about his business!  It was like he never even noticed the dozen or so people watching.  Back to Fairbanks we continued with a stop at the Morris Thompson Cultural & Visitors Center.  What a great place!  It had tons of information about local attractions and events with a really nice museum about Alaska too.  We had just missed the start of the movie.  I was tired so went back to the hotel for a nap, LOL.  Hey it is vacation after all!  I woke up energized and hungry so off to dinner at Lavelle's Bistro.  Can you say Lemon Drop?

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