Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 2: Canon City to Durango

I started the day by losing the car key!  We looked for a long time to only find them in a chair pushed under the desk.  The funny thing is at dinner last night I commented about how ridculous the $200 fee was for the lost keys; why the rental company puts both keys on the same key chain is beyond me!  We loaded up for a day of driving.  I had been driving about 20 minutes and decided to stop at the Royal Gorge Scenic Railway which is a total tourist trap but was fun too.  I wanted to see the Royal Gorge Bridge but paying the large fee to walk/ride across wasn't inviting to me so this was a good second option.  The views were nice . . .
Back on the road . . . I saw this . . . 
 and turned around for a little a break at Treasure Falls . . .Colin found some very eager chipmunks!
It was nice to get out and stretch my legs, but you guessed it back on the road; Colin snapped a photo of Chimney Rock as we drove by.  No time to stop . . .
We are almost to our final stop (Durango), and I am ready to get out of this car!  The good news was the drive was very scenic and beautiful weather too.  Our hotel is right across the street from the downtown area of Durango which means we can walk everywhere!  We got a recommendation to have dinner at The Ore House which was beyond words amazing.  The steaks were awesome and Colin ate more than any of us!  We were stuffed so back to the hotel we went.  We walked along the Animas River that ran behind our hotel and also the view from our balcony.
It was time for a quick swim before bed.

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