Monday, July 2, 2012

Alaska day 3

So the real reason I came to Alaska was to attend a Squadron Change of Command . . .
. . . haven't really attended any Army events in a very long time but it was a nice sunny day in Alaska and then as you can tell from the clouds; the rain started . . . what not so perfect timing!  Of course I darted to the car as soon as the ceremony was over and the rain started falling.  I showed up at the reception feeling like a wet dog . . . oh well at least the food at the reception was tasty.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! i have been reading your blog for a few years now. A few years ago I was writing a school paper on spouses of the fallen and came across your blog. This is my Commanders change of command. LTC Raugh handing Command over to LTC Krivda. Boy did it rain that afternoon. But thank goodness the rain waiting until the very end. Were you there for a friend?
