Sunday, June 20, 2021

Finally . . . leaving on a jet plane in 2021

The time has finally come to explore again.  Granted this year travel will not be to some exotic or historical places or enchanting locations but the thought of being able to get out and explore again is so exciting.  What better way to kick off our Summer 2021 adventures but to the most magical place on Earth?  Okay so it really isn't that magical, but we are off to Disney World for a few days.  And I am excited.  But the night before we left this is what I had to deal with late on a Saturday afternoon . . .  nothing was open to fix it on Saturday and nothing would be open early enough Sunday morning before we needed to be on the road to the airport . . . 

. . . thankfully we have a second car so off we went as planned!  Colin was thrilled because I let him drive to the Austin airport.

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