Friday, January 17, 2014

Breckenridge, CO day 1

We all survived our first night and were ready to go . . .
. . . Colin was still complaining about headaches and shortness of breath but off to Ski School for the kids.  It was so easy since we are staying on Peak 7 and Ski School is on Peak 8.  After they were all checked in we headed to the newly rebuilt Nordic Center for a day of snowshoeing.  The new building was beyond words gorgeous.  I did have a moment when we arrived as they were having a special event there today with some Wounded Warriors.  Just one of those things that always gets to me!  Of course Marilyn brought along a bottle of champagne to celebrate our fun day . . .
off to Willow trail . . .
. . . I love doing this (even though I look less than thrilled in the above photo) as you can get just about anywhere plus skis are so long and bulky!  I loved the views of the trees, mountains, and streams!
. . . and stalking this critter was fun too!
Oh and I think this is my next house . . .
. . . can you imagine living in this?  Just amazing.  We took a mid day break for a bowl of warm and yummy veggie chili!  And back we went for another hike of Little Red's Run.  Now this was an easy trail but apparently no one hikes it and the snow was to our knees!  Talk about a workout; I was hurting.  We hiked for hours and my legs were about done so we headed to pick up the kiddos.  I was only able to see Colin as he came in for the day . . .
. . . I guess a day of skiing sort of tires you out!
So what does one need to recharge?
A warm bed, Gatorade, popcorn, and the Ipad!  You would have thought there would be no more energy for the day but was I wrong!  We ventured back outside to play in the snow . . . the snowball makers I brought all the way from Texas were a complete failure since the snow is powdery.  So what does one do?  Look Mom, head first and no helmet . . .
Where do these kids find all this energy?  I was d-o-n-e so back to the condo for the night.  We loved watching the snow cats groom the slopes at night.
And I enjoyed sitting in the chair catching up on the day!  So ready for bed . . .
Colin's Ski School Day 1 Summary . . .

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