Sunday, March 3, 2024

AZ Road Trip Day 2: Arizona Tumbleweed

It was a slow wake up but on the road by 830am! In addition to national parks, I love all aspects of the National Park Service to include national monuments and historic sites. On the agenda today is Tonto National Historic Site

It is out of the way, but I have nothing but time. The drive is nice and not many cars are out this early. There are only two hikes and I am going to explore the Lower Cliff Dwellings (the other hike you need a reservation) which is a bit odd since I must walk up a huge paved inclined walkway.
Once again, I quickly realize just how out of shape I am! It was cool to walk around the cliff dwellings and see how they lived.
It was time to head back down . . . you can see the cars in the parking lot below . . . going down was easier than going up but it was still super hot since there was no shade and the sun was blazing hot!
I was glad that earlier in the day I picked up a sandwich and chips for lunch and the view did not disappoint!
It was back on the road south towards Mesa, Arizona. Just one more sleep and my friends arrive for our Arizona Road Trip.

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