We did not have any firm plans but since the weather was beautiful we decided to head outdoors! There are days that I wish I lived in a city with great public transportation . . . the Metro is just great! We headed down to the Mall area but made a quick restroom stop at the National Air and Space Museum . . . Colin was not thrilled about leaving but headed outside and snapped a couple quick photos.

It was nice to just walk down the Mall and see familiar places . . . of course you know we had to do this too . . .

We passed some buildings that made me laugh . . .

We walked to see the ice skating rink but decided to wait until Tuesday. As we strolled in the Sculpture Garden I saw this . . .

. . . I'm sure many would have no clue but I remember learning to type on a very old keyboard and we did not have auto correct machines so we used these for our mistakes.
It was time for lunch so we walked to a place called
Chop't. If you like salads you won't be disappointed! Colin was not so thrilled, LOL. It was then time to head to Georgetown for dessert! Yummy times 10 . . . DC Cupcakes or Georgetown Cupcakes . . . the store is called one but the TV show another. The line was out the door but moved quickly and they happened to be filming for their TLC show. Between the 5 of us we got a dozen . . . we took a break and ate one.

. . . and rationed the others for later. They are all so perfect and yummy!

After that sugar rush we needed to walk it off so we headed to the campus of Georgetown University for a quick look. Colin loved all the beautiful leaves and he could not get over how big they were . . . he carried them around almost everyday but none made it back to Texas with us.

I was surprised the trees were still so colorful and beautiful . . .

On the way back to the Metro we stopped at
the steps that were in the movie
The Exorcist . . . thankfully we walked down them and not up!

A quick, long walk across the Francis Scott Key bridge to Rosslyn and to the car! We headed back for dinner and another cupcake of course! By the way the Maple Cupcake was the BEST flavor but Colin enjoyed the Red Velvet.
I remember those erasers, my dad had a ton of them and we loved to carry them around. We were strange I guess, lol! I love DC and would go back in a heartbeat!