I wanted to start the New Year off on the go so we headed to Disney World to celebrate Colin turning 7 and hoping that the New Year will bring us many more adventures. I started planning the trip back in July while we were still on our Europe adventure and finalized once we were home in August. I wanted to stay close to Magic Kingdom since I figured that is where we would spend a lot of time so I decided on The Wilderness Lodge . . .

The room . . .

A view outside our window . . .

One of the fun carvings inside the lodge . . .

. . . most were a little more serious or of outdoor critters.
The view of the lake area where the geyser would erupt every hour . . .

. . . it was very woodsy feeling and the lobby was massive! As you can tell it has the theme of a National Park . . . while I haven't been to many of those I can use my imagination. We are all excited to start hitting the parks tomorrow!
Yellowstone has to be on one of your list of adventures. I went when I was about 8 or 9 and still remember it in vivid detail.