Today was the adventure that had me SO excited! We were headed south to Santa Barbara for a Whale Watching Expedition. The harbor was so peaceful . . .

The whale trip sounds so exotic but basically we board a big boat that is very nice with 50 of our 'friends' to go see if we can see any sea creatures especially a grey whale. This is the time of the year when the whales migrate from Mexico back to Alaska. My little adventurer on the look out . . .
Yes it was cold and VERY windy but as you can tell some people did not dress of the occasion! FINALLY a whale was spotted! Okay so let me say that taking a photo of a creature that is so fast was difficult but we saw one and Colin was thrilled especially when he saw the tail fin exit the water and slide right back underwater. Do you see it?

On the boat with us was a group of college girls on a field trip (I assume) and at one point Colin whispered in my ear, "I sure wish those girls would just stop talking!" I chucked but he was so right because we did not really want to hear all about the craziness from a previous Mexico trip. Time was running out on our expedition but we found a school or pod (what are they called) of dolphins who sure put on a great show for us!
We saw this guy on the way back to the dock . . . can you tell I love seeing them? What a life!

We were a little sunburned and wind blown but almost back . . . by the way someone LOVED the binoculars.

On the drive back to SLO (San Luis Obispo) we drove through vineyards and produce farms right off the highway. I could not get over how beautiful the fields were . . . they were as far as the eye could see . . . dots of red all around which means big, juicy strawberries! I am sure they were so fresh and yummy!
What a wonderful adventure!!