Sunday, March 11, 2012

Arizona Adventure day 3

Okay here we go . . . we have the entire day to just explore the Grand Canyon and man it sure is windy . . . that will have my nerves frazzled all day making sure Colin doesn't blow over the rim! We had a laid back start and since Arizona doesn't observe Daylight Savings we did not have to worry about that lost hour! We literally walked 10 feet and were on the Trail of Time that ran along the rim . . .

"That's close enough!" . . . "Please step back!" "If you fall you are dead, and I will be forever sad." I felt like a broken record player all day!
We took a break at the Yavapai Geology Museum to catch up on the Junior Ranger book . . .
. . . the views were amazing and the sun was out in full force. We spotted this little critter . .
He too was enjoying the weather but he sure was close to the edge! A short stop at the Grand Canyon Visitor Center to watch the movie, which was educational. Colin picked up trash as one of his JR tasks. A quick look at Mather Point before heading to lunch at the El Tovar . . . the iced tea was amazing, LOL.

One of the task for the JR program was to attend a Ranger Talk . . . we headed across the street for The Front Porch Talk. The topic today was respecting the animals. Good talk and the best part was when he brought out this elk antler.
WOW those things are huge and that is just one . . . can you imagine walking around carrying two of those on your head? They must have some really strong neck muscles! The Junior Ranger book was completed so he turned it in to earn badge #4!
What a great program! As promised, we stopped for ice cream . . .
. . .and just sat and enjoyed the view . . .
Here is a view of the back of our hotel from a distance . . .
. . . we headed back to the room to relax a bit before heading to dinner. Of course Colin could not resist the snow . . .
Tonight we walked (very short by the way) to the Blue Angel Lodge and had dinner in The Arizona Room . . . the smoked corn chowder and prickly pear margarita were yummy!

1 comment:

  1. Love reading about your adventures ~ looks like a wonderful trip! I would have been so scared with those "drops" at the Grand Canyon.
