Thursday, August 5, 2010

Post Trip Review

So much going on in my mind . . . I have no idea what to even write about! It was a great trip . . . just great. I have been trying to decide what were my most memorable moments but it is hard! Here are five things that stand out in my mind . . .

1. walking the beaches of Normandy
2. climbing to the top of Mt. Vesuvius
3. visiting the concentration camps (Birkenau and Auschwitz)
4. exploring Vienna
5. enjoying the laid back life of Europe

. . . and here is what Colin remembers . . .

1. Legoland
2. boat (ferry from Copenhagen to Oslo)
3. museum treasure hunt (Copenhagen)
4. feeding birds (every place we went)
5. eating pizza and ice cream

A little run down of numbers . . . remember the half-way point numbers? Wow, we were just as busy!
total days of trip: 50
cities visited: 18
new cities visited: 13
countries visited: 10
cathedrals visited: 23
museums visited: 51
nights in a hotel: 30
planes taken: 14
buses rode: 10
train excursions: 12
boats sailed: 5
pounds lost by Heidi: 1
pounds lost by Colin: 5
photos taken by Heidi: 1,172
photos taken by Colin: 2,165
total miles traveled by air, rail, sea, or road: 19,168 miles
steps taken: too many to count or remember
memories made: a lot

I think we will be taking a break from travelling but stay tuned . . .

1 comment:

  1. All that ice cream and he lost 5 lbs? LOL I am so glad you had fun.
